3 Soetvlei, Constantia
101 Loyalty concepts radically simplified
Author: Amanda Cromhout
This book is a must–read for every business professional. This book radically simplifies the complex industry of customer loyalty.
Amanda Cromhout is one of the most experienced strategic and marketing minds in the loyalty industry. Recognised as International Loyalty Personality of the Year, she breaks down the complexity of 101 loyalty concepts in Blind Loyalty. Blind Loyalty walks you through five sections:
Everything in life needs simplifying. I have committed to writing this book to radically simplify the complexity of loyalty. At my loyalty consultancy firm, Truth, we work tirelessly at simplifying everything for our clients and they say they love our unpretentious and direct approach. We are in an age where very few have the attention span of more than a swipe of a social media page. So, the idea of two pages per concept – simple and compelling – means even the most distracted may wish to demystify a loyalty concept or two.
Your tireless journey as the ambassador for Blind Loyalty and your contribution to the industry is exceptional, you are the ‘go to’ subject matter expert for both my team and me.
Fionna Ronnie, Head of Customer & Loyalty, TFG.