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Everything Communicates

There are several reasons why quality content matters both online and offline. However, there is one factor which I think is vital and worth highlighting – Understanding just “who” is following your brand in the online space.

Are you aware of the type of person who is observing your brand on social media? Yes…you may make the assumption that they have similar interests to you or work in similar industries to you because, why else would they have chosen to like or follow your brand, right?  Well, one may never understand the true reason why people follow your brand, it may simply be that they are interested in what you have to say & offer to them. However, we often under-estimate the power and impact these “fans” may have on your brand once these fans get talking.

I believe that there are typically two types of social personas navigating your social media platforms:   

Persona 1: “Social engagers”. These are your socially active bunch. By active I mean that they ask, tell, listen therefore engage with your brand and spread the word of your brand to their social network. 

These are also known as your story tellers. You (the brand) share content to your community, which will reach about 10-20% of your online base and they (the fans) do the rest. Your fans spread the word to +- 80% of your remaining base via their social media platforms or through word-of-mouth (offline). I could go as far to say that these are usually your ambassadors or brand breakers (both opinionated with lots to say about your brand whether positive or negative).

Persona 2: “Social observers” – they follow several brands and they (themselves) have fairly high following and follower rates, friends etc. but do not socially engage with the brands they follow. They do not share opinions but read everything there is to read about a brand. They read what others say about your brand too. They create an impression about your brand without having engaged with you…you could call them quite judgmental actually. The most engaging thing they have done online is clicking “like” and scrolling through your fan page. 

However, your content is what matters to them, there is a reason they read your posts and continue to follow you and their opinion of you is determined solely on that. Do not under-estimate the power of these social observers. Their offline actions are vastly different to their online behaviour. When anything is to be said about your brand offline, they have no hesitation to share their thoughts & opinions about your brand, based on what they read about you or observed what others had to say about you…reiterating the power of word of mouth. 

You never truly know which people are just passively watching your brand (without engagement) and just how influential these people may be of your brand simply by what you have been saying online. Therefore, a constant need for consistent, quality, value adding content must be achieved. 
Ros Siddle, Marketing & Loyalty Research Manager, Truth

Lisa Reid

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